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Kingdoms Palace News

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Certificate of Excellence for the President of the Arab-African Council Ambassador Emad Tareq al-Jan

HE Amb. Emad Tareq Al Janabi the Arab-African Nations Supreme Council Chairman

Her Majesty's Arab Nations Affairs Representative Throne Of Sheba CPM / AACID President

The Imperial Office High Council Office of Vice-President of the Federation Kingdoms 2016 Union

The International Parliamentary Union (IPU), awards Certificate of International Excellence for the President of the African Arab Council for integration and Development.

Certificate of Excellence for the President of the Arab African Council for Integration and Development Ambassador Emad Tareq al-Janabi.

The International Parliamentary Union (IPU), a multinational organization in the Belgian capital, Brussels, gives the President of the Council a certificate of international excellence, an organization with a large number of members spread throughout the world. Its activities are focused on promoting the principles of peace, love, friendship and brotherhood among the world's different societies, in support dialogues, and protect media freedoms.

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