The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF
The ARK-African Royal Kingdoms
African Kingdoms Federation - AKF
Pinango & Abron Royal Kingdoms
Nubian Kingdoms Nations
Pinango & Abron Royal Kingdoms
HRM Nanan Adou Bibi II - HRM Abena Nyamtche 1 / Queen Shebah III
The Throne Royals of Pinango and Abron
(2007 Enthronement and Events Pictures Featured)
The Abron installed in the Bondoukou region are from Akwamu (area south-east of Ghana, near the River Volta); a succession dispute the throne decided the younger branch of the parties in attendance to emigrate with the then Nana to the west, where she went took refuge in Kumasi.
But the alliance with the Ashanti did not last long, driven by the latter, Abron settled in the Doma region (Wam) in Ghana; Still pursued by the Ashanti, they came finally to seek political asylum in Nafana Gontougou (Bondoukou).
Their leader Tan-date swore friendship, non-belligerence with Akomi chief Nafana; That's when they received the nickname Gyaman (those who left the country) by their relatives in Ghana. Zanzan installed their first village on Ivorian soil, the Abron warriors undertook a series of wars of conquest; They subdued the Nafana, Koulango Nassian and those of Bouna.
The Abron settled this way a powerful kingdom, well organized and prosperous; In this country estate is the main throne in the maternal clan (uncle to nephew or brother half-brother), while the province's throne is in the paternal clan (brother to brother or father son).
The war of conquest against the Anno failed, the king Koffi Fofié, captured, was put to death and all his company. His stool and his drums are in Famienkro as trophies of war. In the kingdom Abron, each king moved the capital of the country in a village of his choice; So Zanzan, Yakassé, Érebo, Amanvi, Tabagne, Assuéfri etc ... were in turn capitals.
It's a two-headed kingdom after the reign of a Zanzan is a Yakassé successor. Dissatisfied to see a powerful kingdom develop in Tain below the river, the Ashanti first punitive expedition against the Abron; Abron King Abo Mri Kong was killed in battle at the head of his army. During the second expedition Adingra Kuman's army was destroyed on the Tain River near Bondoukou; these setbacks against the Ashanti kingdom Abron placed him in a state of vassalage until 1874, when the British arrived; The Abron was also subject to Samory in 1895.
The Kingdom of Abron-Gyaman still exists, despite his misfortune Bondoukou remains the most powerful and one of the best organized of all the Ivory Coast. (source)
Bondoukou is one of the oldest cities in the Ivory Coast. Originally it was a camp lonrhon hunters. This camp was transformed into the town by Nafana and Gbin under senoufo groups, attracted by the riches of gold Denkyra and Ashanti (Ghana). Then it passed successively under the control of Koulango, of Abron and Malinke.
These, from their Begho metropolis, came to settle in Bondoukou in 1666 attracted by gold and trade caravanier. Sous their influence Bondoukou became both a great religious center with the construction of a university and a Koranic City of Commerce, the market quotes of the Kingdom Abron, city-bridge between the Akan states and cities Mande of the Niger valley.
Big agglomeration of the time, Bondoukou was a hub located at the intersection of major routes leading to the country's salt in the North (Djenne, Timbuktu ...) at the Gold Country in the East (Gold Coast) and country the cola Southeast (Assikasso ...) Bondoukou was thus a material interest center or were tied and were organizing the most diverse business transactions.
The public option marginalizes mentally wrong in Bondoukou that it is at a great distance of Abidjan. Yet the reality is different: the city is only 4 hours of Abidjan. It is less remote than Daloa, Seguela, Katiola or even Ferké. In addition, it is easily accessible. A paved road connects the good quality in Abidjan and major cities of the East. It is also linked to national and international telephone network. It has since 1962 an airfield whose runway is 1500 meters long and 40 meters wide. This airfield is used by air Compagnie Nationale Air Ivoire.
Five receptive hoteliers allow the city to register now on the list of cities in Côte d'Ivoire seminars.
To facilitate financial transactions, two banks, BICICI (subsidiary of French BNP) and SGBCI (subsidiary of the French Société Générale) offer their services. Like other notable facilities include a regional hospital, outpatient treatment center 1, 1 dispensary military garrison, two private clinics, 1 police station, one brigade and one gendarmerie platoon, 4 secondary schools, 1 cinema, two gas stations.
Finally, Bondoukou houses the full range of regional branches of ministries. In any event, Bondoukou this city is not the end of the world, caricature that many Ivorians have her. It is not as the land of exile for recalcitrant officials. Bondoukou is indeed a medium-sized cities of Côte d'Ivoire; but it is a border town with all the benefits that it can provide; a livable city, a city that holds when we stayed there and when we take the time to live.
Since 1971, the city has much changed landscape. All the main streets are paved and lighted. The buildings are neat and well arranged in islets. No district evolves into disorder and precarious. Great urban works indebted to the National Independence Day program held in Bondoukou August 7, 1971, have been relatively urbanized and well equipped town.
Undeniable tourism products There is also in the common sights capable of satisfying the most demanding tourist. In Soko there are holy monkeys living in perfect symbiosis with the population. According to legend, these monkeys have an origin linked to the arrival of Samory. Faced with the threat of invasion of this formidable warrior, the soothsayer would have transformed the village all the villagers in monkeys. But he died shortly afterwards without let the antidote. The reality is different. Soko is surrounded by a river that borders a rich gallery forest of this fauna. The God of villagers is pantheon that river, the monkeys who attend are naturally regarded as his "children" so sacred and protected.
At Montiamo, there is the tradition of pottery. Like the women Mangoro Katiola, those Montiamo excel in the manufacture of canaries still used in the region of the virtues of refrigeration and better conserve water as import utensils. At goli, you can admire the tombs of wealthy planters decorated a sanctuary that is surprising.
At wéletchéi, you can admire the treasures of the court and the district chief Pinango. Abron in the kingdom, the head of Pinango is the warlord. He plays the role of the police and gendarmerie. His symbols are the tortoise and a hyena crunching bone. His horn imitates the howl of a hyena.
At Bondoukou, places are many. There is first the historical monuments: Binger's house, the house of Samory, the Museum of Arts and Traditions, the first box of Bondoukou. Then there are many buildings of original architecture such as large mosques Limamisso and Kamagaya, dwelling houses Baroque allowances lying along the central artery to the military camp at Mobile Platoon.
There is also the court of the Grand Imam where hearings are surrounded by ceremonial and specific protocols. The readings of the Koran at the funeral, dances «Kouroubi" and "Sacraboutou" are finally social events worthy of interest to see.
With the 'Marhaba Hotel' Bondoukou has a very good standing receptive where you can arrange tours to the Comoé National Park, the largest West African park.
The proximity to Ghana is finally the last thing the city can capitalize in its favor. Fluctuations in currencies from both sides of the border trade fueling intense miscellaneous items that are beyond the city because of smuggling.
Hoteliers receptive of good standing for a stay without problems
Marhaba Hotel (3 stars): swimming pool, bar-restaurant, tennis, parabolic antenna 30 rooms including suites.
Mont Zanzan (2 stars): Swimming pool, bar and restaurant 30 rooms
Amoikro Hotel (2 stars): 12 rooms
Bondoukou is 400 km from Abidjan, the great metropolis and administrative policy of the Ivory Coast. Capital of the North East Region (ZANZAN) border region of Ghana republics and Burkina Faso, Bondoukou is a city full of history combines many traditions and modernity. From the heights overlooking the Wamo, small river, the view takes upon entry to an extensive town houses arranged and modern goods or emerge a multitude of minarets that does not fail to surprise.
When you enter, we see that the city was built on the southern slopes of a plateau, much like San Francisco in less tormented; and we discover a city with a strong personality is required to you. Bondoukou has 68’000 inhabitants and covers an area of 930 hectares urbanized and a subdivided area of 1080 ha. Until 1964, it was a large rural town which only the administrative area was subdivided.
The latter contrasted sharply with the Medina, the "traditional town" consists of a multitude of sub-ordered socio-ethnic neighborhoods around religious buildings (mosques). Medina was built on the Sudanese-style houses with terrace, often embellished with niches and carefully maintained. It was a closed city with four main gates that only in permitted access.
Today, three buildings, the house of Samory Touré (The resistant) box Binger (Explorer) and former Trade in art museum and Traditions (located at the roundabout of the city center) remain the only vestiges of the time.
Those who knew Bondoukou in the 50 and 60 years still feel a kind of nostalgia; in fact, a passing nostalgia as the city has kept all his magic, his extraordinary aura. Progress is admittedly past but it did not destroy the personality of the city.
The sub neighborhoods still exist today and reflect either an origin. There are fifteen sub-districts, reflections of the great families that make up this part of the city. In these neighborhoods 'ethnic' strongly influenced came enlist recent years, other neighborhoods in heterogeneous populations and extensive born around public infrastructure: these are the neighborhoods "Mont Zanzan", "High School", "TP" "Military Camp".
A mosaic of people, one community. Bondoukou ancient city is also a city main town common. The limits of the municipality are 10 km around the city. They cover six villages (soko, Motiamo, wélétchéi, ABEMA, sangguéhi, Goli) and six camps (Allaladougou, Digowèri, Kongodjan, Takoutou, Tangba, Sama).
The common terrain is relatively flat. There are no major accident topographic and field slopes do not exceed 6% anywhere. The vegetation is an alternation of savanna woodlands and forests - galleries; which leads to picturesque landscapes that highlight the heights of the hills nearby devices.
The town has 65,350 inhabitants, 50,350 and 15,000 for the town to the villages. The composition of the population of the town is just like that of the region. It is very heterogeneous. Three major ethnocultural groups provided the base of the Aboriginal population.
We distinguish:
Voltaic group Koulango the Nafana the Gbin the Noumou the Djimini, Lobi and Deg Language (Motiamo).
The Akan group with Abron.
The Mande group Malinke called Dioula.
Koulango form the largest ethnic group in the region whose language was imposed and the most widely spoken throughout the region.
The Nafana which are from the group Sinématiali Senufo are a curiosity of the region.
The Gbin the Noumou and Deg Language are small groups that the apparent story to Gouro including Ngen established on the west bank of the Comoé near Mbahiakro. They would come with Nafana in search of gold and iron.
The Djimini form only a few families that settled in the region, particularly in the town of Bondoukou where they have made a district called Djiminisso. The story says that they came as captives by Abron purchased or sold by the troops of Samory kings.
The Lobi came from Bouna and live in dispersed families in camps around the city. Today the Lobi are the largest producers of yams and corn. It is they who primarily refuel market Bondoukou.
The Abron have created a powerful and highly civilized kingdom which many historians have praised the harmonious structure. Leurs rites and traditions have imposed on other groups. The structures still exist in the kingdom and the king is always an important political and moral authority in the area of social life Abron is all marked with a conspicuous character, which helped helped develop a rich funerary art and crafts more original.
The Dioula were Bondoukou their cradle, their "city". The urban landscape and the political, economic and social life are imbued with Islam. They specialized in trade. Under their influence Bondoukou in 1666 became a large religious center with a famous Koranic same university. They are now a very supportive community with strong assimilationist power through religion.
From the diverse backgrounds of the sub - groups that make up the entire Dioula and given their different contributions, it is born with a specific dialect speaking and idioms are different from other spoken Dioula. All these people from various backgrounds have settled in the town between the 16th and 19th century .In the very distant past, Bondoukou would certainly be a place to important economic advantages because all groups have made it their main point drop. It is from this point that they spread throughout the region.
The search for gold, wars, Islam, military and matrimonial alliances have resulted in a strong mixing of populations and making the town a particular stand-ethnic area. Indeed, the different groups have interpenetrating so much so that it is now difficult for a layman to decline with ease ethnic identity of an individual. Only a few genealogists can.
Interracial marriages, standardization of surnames, the imposition of Koulango and Dioula as vehicular languages, assimilation by Islam many Abron- Koulango the Malinke group, the influence of Akan groups, are all factors that have blurred many genealogies, erased the differences and forged that unity in diversity and religious tolerance so respected and admired by all.
Indeed, in the shadow of ostentatious mosques, churches and temples flourished in the discretion as less marked in the landscape. With this melting pot original, Bondoukou already prefigures the image of the Ivory Coast tomorrow.
BONDOUKOU is deemed as one of the cities where religious tolerance is elevated to sacrosanct principle of life. Christians, Muslims and Animists coexist harmoniously and help each other. Many joke theme punctuate the discussion between the different communities. This is the ethnic melting pot that shaped the minds in respect of difference. All residents have a common cultural background, religion is often experienced as a varnish.
The yam foutou is the main culinary specialty of the city. This is a foutou crushed and presented in soft palate accompanied by a sauce whose household jealously guard the secrets of the design. Birth, baptism, funerals, religious festivals, secular parties, distinguished guests of reception, are occasions to celebrate this always imitated but never equaled dish. Several major events contribute to animate and singling the city, among other things, the feast of yams, SACRABOUTOU, or exit the warrior dance, KROUBI or demonstration of the beauty and grace on the occasion of the night of destiny.
All these events come alive with bands and folk groups that create a carnival atmosphere every year punctuating the life of the capital of ZANZAN, Bondoukou.